1An Emergency DentistIf you have a problem during the day between 9am – 5pm please telephone the practice. If you get an answerphone, your inquiry is still important to us, so please leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Outside of these hours, please ring the practice number and you will be directed to where you can get emergency advice, and when necessary treatment.
2A Guide To Our ServicesOur services are tailored for each patient and can range from the simple to the complex, depending on each patient’s needs and wants.
These services can include general dentistry, more major reconstructive dentistry and cosmetic dentistry. Treatments are provided after consultation where ideas are exchanged about possibilities. This gives patients the opportunity to consider possible outcomes in their own context.
3Our StaffClick here to meet our team.
4Our PricesClick here to view our prices.
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- 93 High Street, Tring, Herts HP23 4AB
- 01442 826565
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